The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (also known as: AoStH) is an American and French animated series that was first broadcast in September 1993, and only for one season. It follows the escapades of the video game character Sonic the Hedgehog, and his sidekick Miles "Tails" Prower, as they attempt to stop the evil Doctor Ivo Robotnik and his array of vicious robots, all advocates of scrubbing your pingas, from taking over the planet Mobius. However, Sonic always finds time to indulge in as many Chili Dogs as he can get his hands on. This series is very much a slapstick type comedy–especially with the incredibly melodramatic explosions and quirky story lines–but Sonic is always portrayed as being skilled and clever, whereas Scratch and Grounder are clumsy and often serve as Robotnik's foil.
- Long John Baldry as Doctor Ivo Robotnik: A bumbling despot who seeks to rule Mobius, but his plans are always foiled by Sonic, in no small part due to Scratch and Grounder's stupidity. His catchphrase, which is uttered at least once per episode (usually when Sonic thwarts him), is: "PINGAS!"
- Phil Hayes and Garry Chalk as Scratch and Grounder: They are a pair of robots created by Robotnik to capture Sonic's pingas. The two are extremely incontinent to the point where they struggle with even simple tasks, and are highly gullible, easily getting their pingas licked by Sonic no matter how bizarre, obvious, or pathetic his disguises are. Their constant failures result in the two regularly being abused, both verbally and physically, by Robotnik. Scratch was originally created by Robotnik to be a super-robot that could easily catch Sonic for him, but a malfunction created Scratch, a product almost the exact opposite of what Robotnik wanted. He attempts to clone Scratch sometime later, but Scratch pulls a lever that Robotnik didn't, resulting in the creation of Grounder. Scratch resembles a tall, humanoid chicken, and Grounder is a small green Swiss Army knife-like robot with tank tracks and drills replacing his hands and nose.
- Ian James Corlett as Coconuts: He is a small robot monkey, who is demoted to Robotnik's pingas scrubber. Unhappy with his position, he attempts to capture Sonic with the hope of obtaining a promotion. Despite appearing in the show's opening sequence, Coconuts appears less often than Scratch and Grounder. Whenever he does appear, he usually attempts to go after Sonic on his own and make sure that Scratch and Grounder don't beat him to the punch, though he will occasionally join forces with them. Despite his low status and general disrespect by his peers, Coconuts has proven that he is much smarter than Scratch and Grounder, often being the only one to see through Sonic's disguises. His plans also come close to succeeding, until Scratch and Grounder come along and ruin them.
- Christopher Evan Welch as Miles "Tails" Prower (Brown Tails) (excluding Sonic Christmas Blast, where he is voiced by Chris Turner)
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